Mr. M

Mr. M's Continuing


2007 Photo Album

Riding the wheel
York Wheel
January 2007
Craggy hill
Walking in Arran
April 2007
Ancient Marker
Ancient Waymarker
Arran - April 2007

This year Mr M stowed-away to Malta for a bit of sunshine and culture. Whilst there he enjoyed coach tours of the island and a round island boat trip.

He also made a new friend.

Sliema Bay, Malta
May 2007

Mr M's new friend's name (or it may be a designation) was so unpronounceable, that he took to referring to this strange character as "The Purple Thing" or TPT for short.

Lookout Tower
May 2007

TPT agreed to share its impressions of Malta, and in return, Mr M extended an invitation to visit interesting places in England.


So Mr M took TPT down a big hole . . .

Grimes Graves
July 2007
Roseberry Topping
Roseberry Topping
August 2007
NT Sign
Welcome to Hayburn Wyke
September 2007

Inspired by G.P. Taylor's "Shadowmancer", Mr M & TPT embarked on a quest to find the locations described in the book.

Hayburn Wyke fits the description at the start of the story.

Flat Rock
Open palm rock, with three steps up.
September 2007
The waterfall
September 2007